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Yellow Jacket Extermination and Treatment

Yellow Jacket Extermination by Reno NV Pest Control Pros

Yellow Jacket Extermination by Reno NV Pest Control Pros

Yellow Jacket Extermination by Reno NV Pest Control Pros

Reno Yellow Jacket Extermination

Like other stinging insects, yellow jackets gravitate toward flowers, gardens, trees, and shrubbery in their search for plant nectar. Unfortunately, their stings are unsanitary and dangerous. Reno Pest Control Pros offers yellow jacket extermination services for times when yellow jacket colonies get out of control and appear in undesired locations.

Yellow jackets form colonies with up to 4,000 workers that frequently build troublesome nests and hives in backyards and rafters. Yellow jacket workers may enter your home or business through attics, open windows, garages, or doors as they forage for resources. Prompt yellow jacket extermination services are necessary because yellow jackets can chew through plasterboard, wood, and various other materials, especially when agitated.

Agitated yellow jackets who become trapped inside your home or business can cause extensive damage that can be costly to repair. Call us at (775) 305-3785 or message us to get your yellow jacket extermination started today!

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Common Types of Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets can be found virtually anywhere in the world, including in Nevada. Most yellow jacket species are pests, and there are several species of pest yellow jackets that can be found in Nevada. European yellow jackets, North American yellow jackets, Southern yellow jackets, and aerial yellow jackets have all appeared in Nevada and are common throughout North America.

What Yellow Jackets Look Like

Yellow Jackets tend to have a yellow and black head and patterned abdomen. Yellow jackets have six long yellow legs, a squat body, a pair of antennae, and two clear wings. Yellow jackets get their name because of their distinctive striking yellow color with black stripes.

Yellow jackets tend to be smaller than hornets and most wasps, and can be confused with bees. Adult yellow jacket workers tend to grow from 3/8 to 5/8 of an inch long, depending on the species.

Yellow Jacket Sting Risks

Like other stinging insects, yellow jacket stings can cause side effects such as pain, irritation, allergic reactions, infections, nausea, and vomiting, and sometimes even death in infants, children, the elderly, and the immunocompromised. Yellow jackets and other stinging insects are especially active from midsummer to early fall, and send over 500,000 people to emergency rooms each year.

Never approach a yellow jacket colony, hive, or swarm without first contacting a licensed pest controller and putting on full protective equipment such as a complete stinging insect suit (aka a “bee suit”). Periodically check for yellow jackets and other stinging insects, and have an action plan in place should they appear.

Surviving Yellow Jacket Attacks

If you are attacked by yellow jackets, run for immediate shelter inside a vehicle or a building, and then begin to remove any stinger debris. If you see someone else being attacked by yellow jackets, advise them to seek shelter, but do not assist unless you are in a full protective suit, since angry yellow jackets will also attack anyone they think is helping their attacker.

Yellow Jacket Sting First Aid

If you are providing first aid to someone who has experienced a yellow jacket sting, the first step is to quickly remove the stinger debris. When removing the stinger debris, avoid pinching it with tweezers or pliers but pop it out with something solid and flat like a credit card.

After removing the yellow jacket stinger, do not pierce, rub, or scratch the affected area, since that causes the venom from the sting to spread. Once the stinger debris has been completely removed, remove all contaminated clothing. Cleanse the site of the sting with soap and warm water, and apply an antiseptic and a cold compress to reduce pain and swelling. If stung multiple times, remove all stinger remains before washing the affected areas.


Always consult a medical professional if stung, especially if stung multiple times. If the yellow jacket sting victim is feeling nauseated or ill, or if the reaction is more swollen than a small skin welt, obtain immediate medical attention. In situations where a person’s immune system overreacts or underreacts to yellow jacket stings, anaphylaxis can cause unconsciousness or death.

Yellow Jacket Extermination Services

Yellow jacket exterminations begin with identifying any standing water sources and plants that are providing possible nectar and other food sources for the hornet colony. We recommend inspecting water sources, flowerpots, and gardens for possible sources of attraction for yellow jackets. Additionally, we also look for possible entrances that yellow jackets may find to enter indoor spaces from outside.

Yellow jackets are also attracted to common perfumes or colognes more so than other stinging insects, so exercise caution in your use of these substances in areas where yellow jacket infestations are possible.

Yellow Jacket Treatments

When removing yellow jacket hives and treating yellow jacket infestations, we always wear full stinging insect protective suits (aka “bee suits”) and other PPE to ensure our and your safety as we apply insecticides and clean up any unwanted hives. We understand the risks that upset and agitated yellow jackets pose, especially when attacked. Yellow jackets will attack when they are directly threatened or when they perceive a threat to their queen or colony.

We will thoroughly mitigate yellow jacket risks and will achieve complete yellow jacket extermination goals by applying eco-friendly special-purpose insecticides such as Stryker Bee, Wasp, and Hornet Killer or Stryker 54 to kill the entire yellow jacket colony, including the queen. Depending on the species of yellow jacket, we may also apply other effective pesticides such as Tempo Dust or PT Bee, Wasp, & Hornet.

For indoor infestations, we may choose to apply common indoor pesticides such as Stryker 54, LambdaStar Ultra Cap 9.7, PT 565, D-Fense Dust, or Cyper WSP instead.

Yellow Jacket Prevention

Like other stinging insect colonies, yellow jacket colonies can survive for decades. Yellow jackets swarm infrequently, but they tend to do so when the colony outgrows its hive. While only one yellow jacket queen lays eggs, other females stay in the colony and tend to the eggs the queen lays. When the queen yellow jacket dies, another female in the colony will take her place. Like bees and other stinging insects, yellow jackets will swarm on occasion.

Most yellow jackets are not naturally inclined to be aggressive, although invasive Africanized yellow jackets can be an exception. Typically, yellow jackets will not attack unless they feel trapped or threatened. Yellow jackets are defensive insects and will attack only if they feel that their colony or hive has been threatened.

Always ask your exterminator to look for and eliminate undesirable potential or actual yellow jacket hive locations. Always keep keep food and garbage in sealed containers, and never attempt to remove one yourself, as DIY yellow jacket extermination or removal projects often end badly. Also, remember that DEET and other common bug repellents are often ineffective against yellow jackets.

Schedule your FREE Yellow Jacket Extermination Consultation today!

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