DIY Pest Control Rarely Works

Ever thought about trying a DIY pest control? We know that it is tempting. Homeowners in Nevada simply cannot overlook the reality that pests are everywhere here. When you are a busy homeowner and cannot clean your home from time to time, pests will invade. You may suffer from gnats, flies, mosquitoes, roaches, crickets, rodents, and more before you know it, but there are no quick fixes. Even if you prefer natural or home remedies, they may likely fail to work and you will need to contact a professional pest control service.

To totally eradicate pests from your property, you should expect DIY pest control to be more ineffective as you might think. Homeowners who cannot handle DIY pest removal solutions like a professional rarely see much of a difference. But why? There are several reasons.

Pests and Circumstances Vary

First, all pest removal solutions, including off-the-shelf DIY pest control kits, differ. These differences come from a variety of reasons. Pesticide-resistant pests are becoming increasingly common, and resistance is most common toward off-the-shelf DIY pest control products.  Additionally, homeowners frequently misdiagnose the pests they encounter, and purchase ineffective products from their local hardware store.

Additionally, homeowners fail to realize that they are dealing with multiple simultaneous pest infestations. One homeowner noticed ants, but missed spiders and roaches feeding off of the ants. Another recent homeowner spotted roaches and flies, but missed a termite infestation that progressed to the point where it let in cockroaches, crickets, and flies. In cases like this, one DIY method is very unlikely to spot or effectively eliminate all pests. That is why we recommend calling a professional pest control service to get to the bottom of the causes of infestations you may be noticing.

Poorly Done

As professionals, we can quickly spot which areas of your home or business are natural habitats breeding grounds for pests. Even if you have done extensive research and believe that you know where to start with your DIY method, you probably still lack the expertise to hit all the pests on your property. If you miss part of the infestation, the pests you are fighting will simply come back to bother you later.

Lack of High-Quality Pesticide Solutions

DIY pest removal methods can get expensive fast, especially if they fail on your first try. Unfortunately, DIY solutions are not high-quality professional-grade pest removal solutions. Professional-grade pesticides often require certification to obtain, as they are often controlled substances with rigorous mixing and usage requirements. Even if you opt to try to improve a DIY solution, you probably would not know the right mixture or amount to use for it to become effective.

Want to get your pest problems fixed right and fast the first time? Contact Reno Pest Control Pros today with any questions or to request a free quote!